
A comprehensive set of policies exist in the school and inform much of what we do. Many of these policies concern themselves with staffing and other issues in the school and can be made available upon request.

MOD Schools do not receive Pupil Premium funding. 

Accessibility Plan
Anti bullying policy
Attendance policy
Behaviour framework
Cover Protocol
Guidance for safer working practice for
those working with children and young people
in education settings

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) Policy
Exams Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Home School Agreement
Inclusion Statement
Intimate Care Policy
Internal Appeals Policy
Managing Violent & Abusive visitors in Schools Policy
Marking and Feedback Policy
More Able Policy
Non-Examination Assessment Policy
Parent Teacher communication Policy
Policy to promote equal opportunities
Post Operational-Leave
Remote Learning Policy
RSE Policy
Special Educational Needs Policy
SMSC Policy
Staff behaviour protocol
Student Uniform and Appearance Policy
Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions
Visitors and Contractors Protocol
Word processor policy 2024-2025

Wider policies

DCS Guidance Placement out of Chronological

DCYP Allegations against staff
DCYP Charging and Remissions
DCYP Outdoor Learning and School Visits
DCYP Restrictive Physical Intervention
DCYP Supporting Transgender Children and Young People
DES Whistleblowing and Raising a Concern FAQs
DES Whistleblowing and Raising a Concern Policy
DES Whistleblowing and Raising a Concern Process
MOD e-safety-policy
MOD Schools Safeguarding policy
MOD Schools Exclusions Policy
MOD Schools Complaints Procedure

If parents need a paper copy of any policy on this page; we will, on request, be happy to provide these free of charge.